Wednesday, November 4, 2015

12. Parasyte (Part 1)

I have never been into manga or anime or really anything to do with that sub-culture. Not that I have prejudice against the people who love it or anything, I just never found it interesting. So the idea of watching Parasyte wasn't too appealing to me at first.

After watching the movie, I have to admit, I am pretty impressed and could only imagine that the manga and anime are probably better and more in depth then the movie itself. 

Parasyte is a Japanese is a science fiction action horror film, perfect for the Halloween period I must add. The plot follows the life of a teenager, Shinichi, who's right hand has been infected by an alien named Migi. The aliens enter the humans through the ear canal in order to take control of their brain which then control their bodies. Migi fails at taking control of Shinichi so they both have accept the fact that without each other, they both will die. Eventually they learn to work together and kill other aliens that were after Migi and Shinichi, just like Mr. A. 

The storyline was quite interesting but also confusing at times. But I guess that would be natural for me because I have zero experience with manga and anime. I have to applaud the CGI and special effects that created these aliens. They surely did not have the same budget of big Hollywood film but they sure did an amazing job with the special effects. Simply proving a good point the 'less is more'. It wasn't too much but just enough. I'm sure the CGI gave justice to the writers and illustrators who created the 'parasyte' alien. I liked how every alien was different in the way there face opened to show a monster with sharp piercing teeth and multiple eyes. Truly disgusting and terrifying. 

For me the best part of the movie is the real world themes that they taught me. One that a love of a mother is undying and forever-lasting and secondly with the over-consumption and use of natural resources, humans are killing themselves slowly. This seemed like a re-occuring theme throughout. Especially at the end when the main 'boss' alien says that his mission was to kill off all humanity. Also this is seen when the female protagonists watched a scene of TV that showed the over consumption of natural resources. 

I would have never thought that manga's had important messages in it as well. The undying love of a mother was portrayed through Shinichi's mother, who was always there for her son. She loved him unconditionally and the loved was portrayed beautifully. Even when Shinichi got infected, he was obviously troubled and took the anger out on his mom, but she just let it go. When she got infected by Mr. A, another powerful alien, Shinichi was heart broken and broke down in front of her, telling her how much he loved her and how sorry he was. The ultimate test was the one of the last scenes where Shinichi was facing off Mr.A who was in his mothers body. Migi fell asleep and couldn't help him, so Shinichi was on his own. His mother though supposed to be dead, came through the infection and killed Mr. A, therefore killing herself. Shinichi praised his mother for saving his life. A truly touching way to end.

The last scene created great anticipation and suspense for part 2. It's going to be a war. Humans vs Aliens. Though my original sentiments assumed that I wasn't interested, I can now say I am looking forward to part 2. 

1 comment:

  1. Actually they aren't alien, the movie didn't show them coming out of outer space in a bloody space ship or pop out of a comet like a daisy in spring. They came from the water, as another species of animal that has evolved from an under sea variant of some sot of animal.
    But yes the movie was good, though I myself have only limited knowledge of the setting
